Reptilian Assemblage
Our scaly friends are also full of incredible variety as their avian relatives are! It is always so fun to see the different body formats, the occassional swap from drab to bright coloration, and different behavioral habits of these animals.

Species: American Alligator
Brands: Safari Ltd., Mojo Fun, Toy Major, Schleich, Papo, Battat, Toymany, K&M

Species: American Alligator
Brands: Safari Ltd., AAA, Play Visions, *Custom Repaint* Safari Ltd.
Species: Black Caiman, Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman, Unknown Species Caiman
Brands: Play Visions, Safari Ltd., *Custom Repaint* Unknown, Unknown

Species: Cuban Crocodile, American Crocodile
Brands: Chap Mei, Play Visions, K&M, Yowies USA

Species: Saltwater Crocodile, Orinoco Crocodile, Slender-snouted Crocodile, Johnston's Crocodile, Dwarf Cave Crocodile
Brands: Safari Ltd., K&M, Play Visions, Colorata, Nayab, *Custom Repaint* Safari Ltd.

Brands: Colorata, Safari Ltd., K&M
Species: Saltwater Crocodile
Species: Nile Crocodile
Brands: Schleich, Safari Ltd., Tree House Kids, PNSO, K&M, Unknown

Species: Gharial, False Gharial
Brands: Papo, Safari Ltd., Unknown, Innovative Kids, Schleich, Play Visions

Species: Unknown Species Chameleon, Cameroon Sailfin Chameleon, Jacksons's Chameleon, Veiled Chameleon, Strange-horned Chameleon, Fischer's Chameleon, Panther Chameleon, Parson's Chameleon
Brands: Schleich, Bullyland, Unknown, Innovative Kids, K&M, 4D Famemaster, PNSO, CollectA, Mojo Fun, Play Visions, Nayab, Yowies US, Papo, Safari Ltd.

Species: Marine Iguana, Helmeted Iguana, Rhinoceros Iguana, Galapagos Land Iguana, Green Iguana
Brands: Play Visions, Safari Ltd., K&M, Schleich, Wing Mau

Species: Komodo Dragon
Brands: Mojo Fun, Bullyland, Safari Ltd., Schleich, CollectA, Papo, Toymany

Species: Desert Monitor, Perentie, Nile Monitor, Unknown Species Monitor, Blue Tree Monitor
Brands: AAA, Southlands, Play Visions, Unkown, *Custom Repaint* Uknown, Safari Ltd.
Species: Tokay Gecko, Flat-tailed Gecko, Unknown Species Gecko, Leaf-toed Gecko, Moorish Wall Gecko, Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko, Leopard Gecko, Giant Day Gecko, Madagascar Day Gecko
Brands: Safari Ltd., AAA, K&M, Wing Mau, Play Visions, Yowies UK, Kaiyodo-Furuta, Yowies US,

Species: Plumed Basilisk
Brands: Bullyland, Play Visions, *Custom Repaint* Unknown, K&M
Species: Chinese Water Dragon, Bearded Dragon, Frilled Lizard, Thorny Devil, Flying Lizard
Brands: AAA, CollectA, Schleich, Science & Nature, Toymany, Play Visions, Safari Ltd., Innovative Kids

Species: Southern Alligator Lizard, Unknown Species Lacertid, Uromastyx, Desert-grassland Whiptail, Arizona Night Lizard, American Five-lined Skink, Blue-tongued Skink
Brands: Wing Mau, K&M, Yowies US

Species: Gila Monster, Desert Horned Lizard, Texas Horned Lizard, Flat-tailed Horned Lizard
Brands: Play Visions, Unknown, Safari Ltd., Toy Major, Papo, *Custom Repaint Safari Ltd., Wing Mau

Species: Green Anole, Zebra-tailed Lizard, Blue Spiny Lizard, Common Collared Lizard
Brands: *Custom Repaint* Unknown, Wing Mau
Species: Tuatara
Brands: Innovative Kids, Science and Nature, Yowies UK, Colorata

Species: Reticulated Python, Ball Python, Burmese Python, Green Tree Python, Blood Python
Brands: AAA, Bullyland, Play Visions, Safari Ltd., CollectA

Species: Unknown Species Boa, Boa Constrictor, Green Anaconda, Rubber Boa, Madagascar Boa, Emerald Tree Boa
Brands: 4D Famemaster, Unknown, Safari Ltd., Schleich, CollectA, K&M, Play Visions, Wing Mau
Species: Cape Coral, Unknown Cobra, King Cobra, Andaman Cobra, Indian Cobra, Monocled Cobra
Brands: Play Visions, Bandai, Noah's Pals, *Custom Repaint* Unknown, Safari Ltd., Schleich, Nayab, Mojo Fun, Papo, 4D Famemaster

Species: Arizona Coral Snake, Texas Coral Snake, Unknown Species Coral Snake
Brands: AAA, Mojo Fun, Wing Mau, Bullyland, Play Visions, K&M

Species: Yellow-bellied Sea Snake, Banded Sea Krait, Timor Reef Sea Snake, Short-nosed Sea Snake, Unknown Species Sea Snake
Brands: Yowies AU, Safari Ltd., Play Visions, Yowies US, Innovative Kids

Species: Tiger Snake, Common Death Adder, Eastern Brown Snake, Coastal Taipan, Inland Taipan, Black Mamba, Bandy-bandy, Yellow-faced Whip-snake, Eastern Brown Snake, Red-bellied Black Snake, Stephen's Banded Snake
Brands: K&M, Science & Nature, Safari Ltd., Schleich, Yowies UK, Yowies AU

Species: Gaboon Viper, Southern Copperhead, Guatemalan Palm Viper, Ruby-eyed Green Pit Viper, Desert Horned Viper, Cottonmouth
Brands: K&M, Play Visions, Wing Mau, Yowies US, Safari Ltd.
Species: Sidewinder, Black-tailed Rattlesnake, Unknown Species Rattlesnake, Arizona Black Rattlesnake, Mexican Green Rattler
Brands: Safari Ltd., Wing Mau, Schleich, Papo, Innovative Kids, Unknown, Play Visions, K&M, Mojo Fun

Species: Ring-necked Snake, Desert Kingsnake, Smooth Green Snake, Eastern Ribbon Snake, Pine-snake, Western Patch-nosed Snake
Brands: Wing Mau, Ja-Ru

Species: Western Blind Snake, Lake Erie Water Snake, Corn Snake, Common Vine Snake, Yellow-bellied Water Snake, Unknown Species
Brands: Safari Ltd., Wing Mau, K&M, Yowies US, Unknown, Schleich