Amphibian Assemblage
Who doesn't love the big eyes of a frog or the wrinkly skin of a salamander? I can't resist! Salamanders and newts are some of my favorite animals out there, and also quite rare in toy form. Frog figures, luckily, are abundant and bountiful!

Species: Axolotl
Brands: Kaiyodo, Yowies US, Nature Technicolor, Archie McPhee

Species: Japanese Giant Salamander, Hellbender, Common Mudpuppy, Japanese Fire Belly Newt, Unknown, Chinhai Spiny Newt, Olm
Brands: Nature Technicolor, K&M, Play VIsions, Kaiyodo Furuta, Safari Ltd, Unknown, Yowies US
Species: Tiger Salamander, Marbled Salamander, California Tiger Salamander, Long-toed Salamander
Brands: K&M, Play Visions, Safari Ltd., Yowies US

Species: Red Salamander, Yonahlossee Salamander, Long-tailed Salamander, Green Salamander
Brands: Safari Ltd., Unknown *Custom Repaint*, Play Visions, Unknown

Species: Fire Salamander, Northern Crested Newt, Anderson's Crocodile Newt, Eastern Newt
Brands: Bullyland, Schleich, Safari ltd., K&M, Kaiyodo Furuta, Yowies US
Species: Blue Poison Dart Frog
Brands: Unknown *Custom Repaint*, K&M, Colorata, W.N., Club Earth, Schleich, Safari Ltd., Papo

Species: Dyeing Dart Frog
Brands: Safari Ltd., Nature's Wonders HD, W.N., Play Visions, K&M

Species: Green and Black Poison Dart Frog
Brands: Club Earth, Colorata, K&M, Safari Ltd., W.N.

Species: Lehman's Poison Dart frog, Harlequin Poison Dart Frog
Brands: Safari Ltd., Play Visions, Club Earth

Species: Yellow-banded Poison Dart Frog
Brands: Safari Ltd., Play Visions
Species: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, Colon Morph, Solarte Morph
Brands: K&M, Safari Ltd., Club Earth, Play Visions, Colorata

Species: Phantasmal Poison Dart Frog, Three-striped Poison Dart Frog, Red-headed Poison Dart Frog
Brands: Yowies US, W.N., Club Earth

Species: Splashback Poison Dart Frog, Ranitomeya amazonica, Granular Poison Dart Frog, Golden Poison Dart Frog, Cainarachi Poison Dart Frog, Zimmerman's Poison Dart Frog, Sira Poison Dart Frog, Ecuador Poison Dart Frog, Ameerega braccata
Brands: Club Earth, Bullyland, AAA, Safari Ltd.

Species: Red-eyed Tree Frog, Orange-eyed Tree Frog
Brands; Nature's Wonders HD, Safari Ltd, Play Visions, Colorata, K&M, Papo, Unknown
Species: American Green Tree Frog, Beireis' Tree Frog, European Tree Frog, Milk Frog, Clown Tree Frog, Small-headed Tree Frog
Brands: K&M, Safari Ltd., Unknown, Colorata

Species: Argentine Horned Frog, Chacoan Horned Frog
Brands: Safari Ltd., Papo, Colorata

Species: Golden Toad, Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad
Brands: Unknown, Play Visions, K&M,

Species: Golden Mantella, Madagascan Mantella, Tawny Tree Frog
Brands: Yowies US, Colorata,
Species: Malayan Horned Frog, Long-nosed Horned Frog, Sumaco Horned Tree Frog
Brands: Colorata, Play Visions

Species: Common Reed Frog, Marbled Reed Frog, Rutenberg's Reed Frog, Argus Tree Frog
Brands: Schleich, Colorata

Species: Madagascar Tomato Frog, Corroboree Frog, Banded Bullfrog, False Tomato Frog
Brands: K&M, Play Visions, Science and Nature, Colorata

Species: Green Flying Frog, Mexican Burrowing Toad, Giant Pacific Glass Frog, Darwin's Frog, Common Spadefoot, Mutable Rain Frog
Brands: Colorata, Play Visions, Yowies US, K&M
Northern Leopard Frog, Ishikawa's Frog
Brands: K&M, Kaiyodo

Species: Suriname Toad, Oriental Fire-bellied Toad
Brands: Play Visions

Species: American Bullfrog
Brands: K&M, Unknown, Schleich, Safari Ltd.

Species: Cane Toad, Boulenger's Asian Tree Toad, Natterjack Toad, Panamanian Golden Toad, Kihansi Spray Toad
Brands: Safari Ltd., Play Visions, ELC, Yowies US
Species: Undetermined Species
Brands: AAA, Toy Major, Safari Ltd.

Species: Undetermined Species Frogs
Brands: Unknown Brands