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African Mammal Assemblage

This is perhaps the most iconic assemblage of fauna out there. The African lion, African elephant, giraffe, zebra, spotted hyena, etc. are some of the first wildlife species anyone learns about. This translates to being one of the heaviest utilized regions for toy models!

Species: African Wild Dog


Brands: *Custom Repaint*, Unknown, Safari Ltd., Mojo, Furuta, AAA, PEC, Play Visions 

Species: Fennec Fox and Bat-eared Fox 


Brands: Safari Ltd., Yowies US, K&M, Papo, Eikoh, Schleich, CollectA, Yowies UK, Kaiyodo-Furuta, Play Visions

Species: African Golden Wolf, Ethiopian Wolf


Brands: Papo, Nayab

Species: Black-backed Jackal, Golden Jackal 


Brands: CollectA, Schleich, Nayab, Eikoh, Noah's Pals

Species: Greater Kudu, Lesser Kudu


Brands: Unknown, Toy Major, Papo, Play Visions, Schleich, Safari Ltd.

Species: Sable Antelope 


Brands: CollectA, Play Visions, Mojo, Safari Ltd.

Species: Mountain Nyala, Gerenuk, Impala 


Brands: CollectA, Noah's Pals, *Custom Repaint*, Unknown, Papo, Bullyland

Species: Topi, Waterbuck, Giant Eland 


Brands: Bullyland, CollectA

Species: Gemsbok, Beisa Oryx, Fringe-eared Oryx, Addax, Scimitar Oryx, Arabian Oryx 


Brands: Schleich, Play Visions, *Custom Repaint*, Papo, Chap Mei, Joy City, Safari Ltd., Nine Products, CollectA 

Species: Bongo Antelope, Roan Antelope


Brands: CollectA, Play Visions, K&M, Noah's Pals

Species: Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest 


Brands: PNSO, Papo, Jasman, AAA, Bullyland, Nine Products, Unknown, Schleich, Safari Ltd., CollectA 

Species: Unknown Antelope, Striped Duiker, Springbok, Hirola, Dorcas Gazelle, Dama Gazelle


Brands: Bullyland, Play Visions, CollectA, Safari Ltd.

Species: Thomson's Gazelle 


Brands: Safari Ltd., PNSO, Nayab, Unkown, Schleich, K&M, Mojo 

Species: African Lion


Brands: Schleich 

Species: African Lion 


Brands: Schleich

Species: African Lion 


Brands: Safari Ltd., Club Earth, Blip Toys, Bullyland 

Species: African Lion 


Brands: Mojo, CollectA, Toymany

Species: African Lion 


Brands: Papo 

Species: African Lion 


Brands: Toy Major, AAA, Unknown, Play Visions

Species: Giraffe 


Brands: Schleich 

Species: Giraffe 


Brands: Schleich 

Species: Giraffe 


Brands: Papo, Mojo, CollectA, Bullyland 

Species: Giraffe 


Brands: *Custom Repaint*, Safari Ltd., Play Visions, K&M 

Species: Giraffe 


Brands: AAA, Toy Major

Species: African Leopard 


Brands: Schleich

Species: African Leopard 


Brands: Toymany, Play Visions, K&M, Mojo, CollectA, Papo, Procon(CollectA), Bullyland,  Safari Ltd.

Species: African Leopard 


Brands: AAA

Species: African Elephant 


Brands: Schleich 

Species: African Elephant 


Brands: Safari Ltd., Eikoh, Papo, Toy Major, Mojo, Bullyland

Species: African Elephant 


Brands: AAA, *Custom Repaint*, Yowies US, Toy Major, Unknown

Species: Cheetah 


Brands: Mojo, Safari Ltd., Papo, CollectA, Schleich 

Species: Cheetah 


Brands: Toy Major, Unknown, AAA, PNSO, Yowies US, Play Visions *Custom Repaint*, K&M, Toymany

Species: White Rhinoceros 


Brands: Unknown, Joy City, Safari Ltd., Boley, CollectA, Mojo, Toy Major, AAA

Species: Black Rhinoceros 


Brands: Schleich, Safari Ltd., Unknown, Toy Major, Yowies US, Bullyland, Papo, Battat

Species: Plains Zebra 


Brands: Schleich, *Custom Repaint*

Species: Grevy's Zebra, Quagga


Brands: CollectA, AAA, Mojo, *Custom Repaint*, Club Earth

Species: Plains Zebra 


Brands: AAA, CollectA, Mojo, Toy Major, Bullyland, Safari Ltd.

Species: Hippopotamus 


Brands: Schleich, Safari Ltd., Mojo

Species: Hippopotamus 


Brands: CollectA, Toy Major, Unknown, Papo, Yowies US, Wild Republic, AAA

Species: Pygmy Hippopotamus 


Brands: Safari Ltd., CollectA 

Species: Spotted Hyena 


Brands: Safari Ltd., Papo, Bullyland, Mojo, Schleich 

Species: Cape Buffalo 


Brands: AAA, Safari Ltd., Battat, Nayab, Papo, CollectA, Schleich, Play Visions, New Canna, *Custom Model*, Mojo, Bullyland

Species: Spotted Hyena 


Brands: Play Visions, AAA, Yowies US, Nayab, Toy Major, Unknown 

Species: Warthog 


Brands: AAA, Nayab, Chap Mei, Toy Major, PNSO, Mojo, Papo, Schleich, Safari Ltd.

Species: Serval


Brands: Safari Ltd., Play Visions, K&M, PEC

Species: Caracal, African Golden Cat 



Brands: Schleich, Yowies US, Play Visions, Yowies UK, *Custom Repaint*

Species: Meerkat 


Brands: Safari Ltd., AAA, Schleich, K&M, Play Visions, Papo, Chap Mei 

Species: African Civet, Common Genet, Dwarf Mongoose, Ring-tailed Mongoose, Abyssinian Genet, Aquatic Genet 


Brands: Play Visions, CollectA, Nayab

Species: Egyptian Fruit Bat, Livingstone's Fruit Bat, Banded Mongoose, Fossa, Naked Mole Rat, African Clawless Otter


Brands: Play Visions, Yowies US, K&M, AAA, Kitan Club

Species: Okapi 


Brands: Schleich, Britains, K&M, Nayab, CollectA, Play Visions, Safari Ltd., Yowies US, Papo

Species: African Wild Ass 


Brands: Joy City,  Jasman, *Custom Repaint*, CollectA 

Species: Aardvark, Atlas Bear, African Crested Porcupine


Brands: Nayab, Safari Ltd., Noah's Pals, Schleich, *Custom Repaint*

Species: Barbary Sheep, Red River Hog 


Brands: CollectA, K&M 

Species: Honey Badger 


Brands: Unknown, Yowies US, Play Visions, Mojo, Safari Ltd. 

Species: Giant pangolin, North African hedgehog, Four-toed hedgehog


Brands: Safari Ltd., Schleich, Yowies US, Papo

Species: Gorilla 


Brands: Schleich 

Species: Gorilla 


Brands: AAA, Play Visions, Unknown, Safari Ltd., K&M, Mojo

Species: Western Lowland Gorilla 


Brands: Papo, Yowies US, Safari Ltd. 

Species: Mountain Gorilla 


Brands: Safari Ltd., CollectA, Papo 

Species: Chimpanzee 


Brands: Unknown, Mojo, AAA, Papo, Noah's Pals, K&M, Yowies US, Nayab

Species: Chimpanzee 


Brands: Schleich, Safari Ltd.

Species: Mandrill 


Brands: Nayab, Papo, Safari Ltd., Chap Mei, K&M, Yowies US, Schleich, Play Visions, Noah's Pals 

Species: Chacma Baboons, Hamadryas Baboon, Baboon 


Brands: Unknown, Nine Products, Safari Ltd., CollectA, Unknown, *Custom Repaint*, Schleich, Yowies UK, Furuta 

Species: Diana Monkey, Kupunji, Mantled Guereza , Black Crested Mangabey


Brands: CollectA, Yowies US, K&M, Nayab

Species: Aye-aye, Silky Sifaka, Black and White Ruffed Lemur, Greater Bamboo Lemur, Coquerel's Sifaka, Red Ruffed Lemur


Brands: K&M, Papo, Safari Ltd., Yowies US, Nayab, Joy City

Species: Ring-tailed Lemur 


Brands: K&M, Safari Ltd., AAA, W.A.I., Mojo, Papo, Nayab, Schleich

Species: Senegal Bushbaby 


Brands: Yowies UK, Safari Ltd., Nayab 

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